Zazou's Bridal Boutique

Web development desktop and mobile view mockup 1



    React framework for building server-rendered and static web applications.


    JavaScript library for building user interfaces.

    Tailwind CSS

    Utility-first CSS framework for rapidly building modern user interfaces.

    CSS Modules

    CSS files in which all class names and animation names are scoped locally by default.

    Bridal Live

    A comprehensive platform for bridal stores to enhance their online presence and customer experience.

    Google Analytics

    Tracking user interactions with realtime updates

Language Breakdown

Logo Image


Logo Image



Collaborating with Zazou's Bridal Boutique & Tuxedos on their website redesign was a rewarding project rooted in the essence of a local business. Our collaboration began with a shared vision: to enhance the online presence of this esteemed boutique, marrying elegance with a user-friendly experience.

Throughout the process, effective communication played a pivotal role. From understanding their vision through image assets to refining rough Canva designs, every step was a testament to our shared commitment to the project's success.

As the developer, my focus extended beyond aesthetics. Transforming these designs into a fully functional website, I ensured a seamless online journey for Zazou's clientele. Importantly, this project wasn't just about visuals; it was a strategic effort to cut costs without compromising on quality.

By leveraging my technical skills and working closely with the Zazou's team, we achieved a website that not only met their aesthetic aspirations but also provided a cost-effective solution compared to their previous setup. It's a testament to the impact of collaborative efforts in bringing digital transformations to local businesses.

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Old Performance Numbers

To assess and enhance the digital performance of websites, Google Lighthouse is a powerful tool widely used by developers. It evaluates websites based on various criteria, including performance, accessibility, best practices, and SEO, providing a comprehensive overview of their strengths and areas for improvement.

Before the redesign, Zazous Bridal's website underwent a Lighthouse evaluation with the following scores:

Previous Scores: Performance: 70 Accessibility: 89 Best Practices: 77 SEO: 92 Overall: 70

These scores indicated room for improvement, particularly in terms of performance, best practices, and SEO. The challenge was not just to meet industry standards but to exceed them, providing Zazous Bridal with a website that not only aligns with their aesthetic but also excels in digital performance.

Old performance metrics image

New Performance Numbers

The redesign of Zazous Bridal's website was a transformative journey aimed at elevating its digital presence. The focus extended beyond aesthetics to ensure optimal performance, accessibility, best practices, and SEO.

After the redesign, the website not only captured the essence of Zazous Bridal's style but also demonstrated a substantial improvement in Google Lighthouse scores:

Current Scores: Performance: 97 Accessibility: 96 Best Practices: 95 SEO: 100 Overall: 97

Achieving Excellence Performance Boost Performance: +27 points Drastic improvement in loading times and overall website speed.

Enhanced Accessibility Accessibility: +7 points A commitment to inclusivity, ensuring a seamless experience for all users.

Best Practices Reinvented Best Practices: +18 points Adherence to industry standards and the implementation of optimal development practices.

SEO Excellence SEO: +8 points Strategic optimization for search engines, maximizing online visibility.

Stellar Overall Performance Overall: +27 points A comprehensive transformation, reflecting excellence across all dimensions.

This redesign not only brought Zazous Bridal's vision to life but also demonstrated my commitment to delivering websites that excel in both aesthetics and performance, surpassing expectations and industry standards.

New performance metrics image